Partner Spotlight: Clark Public Utilities new PowerZone website includes resources to get kids outside and exploring

Content from our partners at the Clark Public Utilities

Clark Public Utilities just launched PowerZone, a new educational and entertaining website designed to capture the imagination of Clark County’s kids and lifetime learners alike.

The website is an excellent resource for parents looking for way to keep their kids engaged in learning activities during the summer months, or for teachers looking for year-round resources for robust and locally relevant educational materials.

The PowerZone website includes nearly 170 unique pages bursting with new, dynamic, interactive information and activities to support the science curricula and expose students to a deeper understanding of electricity, water, environmental issues and utility careers. All from a local, Clark County perspective. 

Start exploring:

While there is content appropriate for kindergarten through high school students, the bulk of PowerZone content is targeted to late-elementary through middle school ages.

PowerZone covers a range of topics from electricity generation and conservation, water systems and conservation, environmental sciences, renewable energy and careers paths in the utility industry.

Plus, the website is loaded with fun online games and offline activities that will keep kids learning as they play.

PowerZone is available for viewing on all platforms – desktop, phone, tablet – and all features should function appropriately regardless of device.



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