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Watershed Alliance Burnt Bridge Creek Tree Planting

What: Volunteer Tree Planting along Burnt Bridge Creek

When: Saturday, February 10th 9:00am – 12:00pm

Where: NE 18th Court – Near the West entrance of Arnold Park. From NE 15th Ave, turn onto NE 41st Circle. Follow the signs to parking. Park along NE 18th Court where the road dead ends at Arnold Park. Work site is located down the driveway behind the residences along NE 18th Court.

What to Bring: Please wear long pants, sturdy shoes, and dress for the weather. Please bring your own water and snacks.


Register Here


This event is held in partnership with the City of Vancouver. Thank you to our partnering sponsor, PeaceHealth.


Actividad: Reforestación para voluntarios en Burnt Bridge Creek

Cuándo: Sábado 10 de Febrero 9:00 a 12:00

Dónde: NE 18th Court – Cerca de la entrada Oeste de Arnold Park que se llega por NE 15th Ave y entrar por NE 41st Circle hasta donde topa la calle. Seguir las señales para el estacionamiento.

Qué llevar: Favor de usar pantalón largo, zapato cerrado y vestir de acuerdo al clima. Traer su propia agua y alimento.


Registrarse Aquí


Gracias al apoyo de la Ciudad de Vancouver para coordinar esta acción. Gracias PeaceHealth por patrocinar este evento.

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