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Washington Native Plant Society grants due! Education grants support teachers connecting students to native plants

WNPS Funds Grant Projects! 
Conservation – Education – Research

The WNPS Board of Directors has approved $24,000 in funding for small grants in 2023. Applications are due March 1st, 2023.

The Washington Native Plant Society (WNPS) Grant Committees are accepting grant applications for projects that will promote the appreciation and conservation of Washington State's native plants and their habitats
restore, improve, or support on-the-ground, functioning native plant ecosystems in the State of Washington, USA.  Successful applications must demonstrate how the project provides public benefit. 

Applications will be evaluated on the criteria of the appropriate granting committee: Conservation, Education, or Research and Plant Identification for the quantity and quality of ecological benefit to be gained and the likelihood of project long-term success.

All grant committees are accepting applications until midnight on March 1, 2023.  For grant criteria application information and contacts for each of these grant programs:

Conservation grants information
Education grants information
Research grants information

WNPS grant funding is provided by the generous donations made to the WNPS Endowment Fund and to our general fundraising campaigns each year.  Thank you for your generous contributions providing the support needed to increase our grant funding each year. 

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