Who is eligible
This contest is open to any youth, 10-18 years of age, who have visited Steigerwald Lake NWR, and have taken photos within the boundaries of the refuge during the time period between June 1st, 2023 and May 31, 2024.
Division Categories and Prizes
Participants can enter a total of 5 JPEG formatted images to any of the following 4 categories:
Smartphone/Mobile Device Camera - This category has been created to include the most popular camera used by youth. Smartphone and/or tablet phone photos of any content taken within the confines of the Steigerwald Lake NWR are eligible, including, but not limited to, the other three categories.
Plants, Animals, and Fungi - This category is for photos of any life, other than people, identifiable at the refuge. It could be from micro to macro and include any animals, plants, fungi, algae, or other life form.
Landscape - This category is for any photo that is focused on the beauty and intricacies of the setting of the refuge. It could include shots from the refuge of scenery, like The Gorge and the Columbia River.
People in Nature - This category is for showing people and nature interacting with each other. It could be volunteers doin