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Frenchman's Bar Beach Clean-up and Kite Flying with Watershed Alliance

What: Litter pick-up along the Columbia River and Kite Flying at Frenchman’s Bar

When: Saturday, August 3rd 9:00am to 3:00pm

Where: Frenchman’s Bar Regional Park, 9612 NW Lower River Rd, Vancouver, WA 98660

What to bring: Please wear closed-toed shoes and dress for the weather. Please bring your own snacks and water.

Translation: A Spanish translator will be available at this event.


Kite Flying

This is a special event in partnership with Odyssey World International Education Services. After the clean-up we will have kites for youth to decorate and fly. We will provide kites, craft materials, and snacks for participants.


Event Itinerary:

9:00am to 12:00pm – Litter clean-up

12:00pm to 3:00pm – Kite decorating and flying


Register Here




Actividad: Recoger basura en la playa a lo largo del Columbia River

Cuándo: Sábado, 3 de Agosto 9:00 – 3:00

Dónde: Frenchman’s Bar Regional Park, 9612 NW Lower River Rd, Vancouver, WA 98660

Qué llevar: Favor de usar zapato cerrado y vestir de acuerdo al clima. Traer su propia agua y alimento.

Traducciones: En este evento contaremos con un traductor(a) en Español.


Volando Papalotes (Cometas)

Tenemos este evento especial compartido por Odyssey World International Education Services. Al finalizar la limpieza les obsequiaremos un papalote a los chicos para que lo decoren y lo vuelen en la playa. Nosotros llevamos los materiales y una botanita.



9:00am a 12:00pm – Limpieza de basura

12:00pm a 3:00pm – Decoración y vuelo de papalotes (cometas)


 Registrarse Aquí

July 31

Reading in the Wild with the Water Resources Education Center

August 9

Canopy Time at Plas Newydd Farm