StreamTeam celebrates virtual Earth Day Fest

Information provided by Clark Public Utilities

Join us for our 2022 Virtual Earth Day Event on Saturday, April 23rd. Virtual activities include: Environmental story time, backyard birdhouse workshop, and an Earth Day themed trivia. All ages are welcome. Be sure to register on our Eventbrite page for the chance to learn, help our environment and even win some awesome prizes!

Virtual Earth Day Schedule

9:00am – Environmental Story Time
10:00am – Backyard Birdhouses with Brandon Burger from Backyard Birdshop
11:00am – Earth Day Trivia Party

Self-led activities

  • Plant a tree (or native plant)

  • Pull weeds

  • Pick-up trash

  • Do a home waste audit

  • Start a compost bin

  • Start a garden or register a community garden plot

  • Install a rainwater collection system

  • Install a low-flow showerhead of faucet

Since 1999, StreamTeam volunteers have planted more than 15,000 trees at the Earth Day Fest and removed thousands of pounds of invasive weeds in the Salmon Creek Watershed.


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