LCNN partners planting TOGETHER
Our February Lower Columbia Nature Network meeting was OUTSIDE and IN-PERSON! Can you tell we were excited? For the last two years our network has held meetings on Zoom and while it has its benefits, we’ve missed each other. On February 22nd we worked together planting native species at the Steigerwald Lake National Wildlife Refuge as a part of their Reconnection Project.
It was delightful, albeit a little strange, to see people and engage in conversations side-by-side. I loved meeting people I’ve had conversations with over the last few years and realizing we’d never actually met in-person. I also enjoyed hearing connections made and just the overall gratitude for each other, the beautiful place we were in, sunshine and time together.
We started the meeting off with quick introductions and an overview from Mesha Wood, Steigerwald Lake National Wildlife Park Ranger. Next Samantha Dumont of the Lower Columbia Estuary Partnership explained the Reconnection Project. See more on that below. After some time connecting together we were handed a blue shovel and headed out to get some plants in the ground.
“What a day we had! Smiling faces, networking time, easy dirt to dig in and amazing views. We installed 200 native shrubs together! It was really lovely to meet all of you and get to share together.”
The refuge is planning to reopen to the greater community and provide public access again this May. In addition to some ongoing work on the trail system. The refuge is also hoping to further enhance visitor amenities once reopened. For more information on what to expect, bookmark the new official Steigerwald Lake NWR website, which will be expanded soon to help you plan your return to the refuge.
Thank you to all the Lower Columbia Nature Network partners who came out to connect with each other, learn, network and give back. We appreciate you! And more gratitude for the Lower Columbia Estuary Partnership for coordinating, the Gorge Refuge Stewards for their assistance in setting up the event and U.S Fish & Wildlife Service for their continued support and funding of our network.
Click to the right of the photos to view all:
Check out more on the Steigerwald Lake National Wildlife Refuge Reconnection Project
Thank you planting project funders and partners - this project wouldn't be possible without you: US Fish & Wildlife Service, Bonneville Power Administration, Washington Department of Ecology, Port of Camas-Washougal, Friends of the Columbia Gorge, Columbia Gorge Refuge Stewards, National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, One Tree Planted Foundation, Camas-Washougal Community Chest, City of Washougal, City of Camas, Washougal School District, Camas School District, BNSF Railroad, M Bar J Ranch and Washington Department of Transportation.