Building an evidence-based movement, together

As we work together to create more opportunities for nature for all, research tools can help us advocate for change. Our partners at The Children and Nature Network have an extensive research library that is available for all to utilize.

Try it out. You can adjust the filters to gather studies for the specific to your needs. Select population, methods, outcomes, barriers and themes.

They also have a monthly Research Digest feature. Here are just a few of the studies linked in the December 2022 edition:

Previous 2022 Research Digest issues are packed with useful tools. Each month is packed with tools to help you learn and find resources to aid in your work.

We invite you to take a deep dive into the work The Children and Nature Network has complied. We are in this together and are thankful to have a great coalition of partners here in southwest Washington. It’s great to feel the support from around the country and beyond in the effort to connect more people to nature.


Spring school garden tour schedule


Activating schoolyards through garden enrichment