Access Recreation training opportunity coming in May - registration required

We are excited to share with you an exciting training opportunity for our May partners meetings. 

Access Recreation and the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service are excited to host a FREE two-part training program for Lower Columbia Nature Network partners. The training has broad application as it emphasizes community empowerment by providing high-quality information about places and experiences, as opposed to simple telling folks if something is "accessible." So whether you design site-based activities for visitors, manage websites for natural areas, work with volunteers, or maintain trails, there's something for everyone!

This two-hour webinar focuses on why being inclusive to people of all abilities is important and relevant. Topics include cultural awareness about people living with a wide range of visible and invisible disabilities and an overview of the Access Recreation Trail Guidelines. In addition, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service will talk about how we are applying these guidelines at our refuges and across our Agency.

  • Part 2 - In-person Practical TrainingWhipple Creek Regional ParkNorth entrance - 17202 NW 21st Ave., Ridgefield, WA.
    May 14, 2024 - 1-4pm
    Building on the virtual training, we will spend three hours exploring the park, from the entrance signage, to the parking lot, to the trails. You'll learn about the tools of information gathering, like smart levels and distance wheels. We'll also talk in-depth about how to create effective descriptions of the conditions people will encounter at any given natural area.

REGISTRATION will be required for these meetings so that we can coordinate logistics. REGISTER AT THIS LINK. Please note that Part 2 will be limited to no more than 2 staff people per organization.


Student plant sales abound


Making connections with the Latinx community: full meeting video here